Awards and Recognitions

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
SAM invited PTTGC to participate in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) assessment’s results were publicly announced in September 13th, 2012. PTTGC received a score at 66 or ranked at 2nd quartile performance.

The Asia-Pacific Enterprise Leadership Awards
The career development project: Luffala won the Asia Pacific Enterprise Leadership Awards (APELA) under Sustainable Development category.

ICIS Top 100 Companies 2012
With an outstanding operational excellence and acceptance from businesses and stakeholders globally, the Company is ranked at 24th from 100 word leading petrochemical companies in ICIS Top 100 Chemical Companies.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI A+)
PTTGC Sustainability Report 2011 received GRI certification at level A+, which is the highest certification level.

United Nations Global Compact Advanced Level
PTTGC is the first and only company in Thailand to join United Nations Global Compact Advanced Level, the highest level of UNGC and comply with 24 criteria of UNGC Advanced Level.

The Prime Minister's Industry Award 2012
PTTGC 3 won The Prime Minister's Industry Award 2012. The award was given to companies with safety initiatives that bring benefit to community and country as a whole.

3Rs Award
From an excellent waste management, PTTGC Plants were granted with 3Rs awards (Reuse, reduce and Recycle) and was nominated as a pilot project for Department of Industrial Works.

Zero Waste to Landfill Achievement Award
PTTGC’s (Branch 2, 3 and 4) excellence waste management were awarded with Zero Waste to Landfill Achievement Award. Conferred by Department of Industrial Works.

EIA Monitoring Award 2012
PTTGC was awarded with EIA Monitoring Awards 2012 from our excellence environmental management together with following EIA measures.

Organizational Excellence in Labour Relations and Welfare Award
PTTGC received Organizational Excellence in Labour Relations and Welfare Award for 2012 from Ministry of Labor. The awards conferred to organizations with collaboration between employer and employees creativity to achieved security in work life, the well-being and the quality of life.

Taxpayer Recognition Award 2012
PTTME received Taxpayer Recognition Award for 2012 from Revenue Department to honor the great taxpayers.

Excellence in Labor Conditions and Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment Award
For 14 consecutive years. PTTGC received and awards in Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment Award (National) 2012 conferred by the Ministry of Labor.