Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of Directors of PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited aims to promote operational efficiency, good corporate governance, excellent management, corporate resilience among the Company and its subsidiaries, and ensures that the GC Group’s businesses are conducted responsibly, ethically, fairly, transparently, and accountably
for the utmost benefits of shareholders with due regard for interests of relevant stakeholders. This is to build mutual trust and strengthen long-term competitiveness as well as sustainable growth.

To this end, the Board of Directors has established the corporate governance policy for all Directors, Executives and Employees of GC Group to observe in their discharge of duties as follows:
The Board of Directors shall observe the international guidelines and consistently improve on the good corporate governance in accordance with these international standards in matters relating to consideration of the rights of shareholders, the equitable treatment of shareholders, the responsibilities to stakeholders, the disclosure of information and transparency, and the responsibilities of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors, Executives and all Employees shall be determined in their observance of the core of the good corporate governance principles which involves Creation of long-term value, Responsibility, Equitable Treatment, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics (C R E A T E). Additionally, they must ensure strict compliance with the laws and relevant regulations in all countries in which the Company invests.
The Board of Directors shall arrange for an administrative structure with fair relationship between the Board of Directors, the Executives and the Shareholders. They shall play a vital role in the determination of visions, strategies, policies and key plans. They shall ensure that a performance monitoring and evaluation system is in place, that risks are efficiently managed, that corporate resilience is managed, that they are independent, and that they are responsible for their discharge of duties in accordance with the good corporate governance principles.
Directors and Executives shall be ethical leaders and serve as role models in adhering to the GC Group’s Corporate Governance Policy, Anti-corruption Policy, and Corporate Governance & Business Code of Conduct Handbook. They shall also promote the culture of good corporate governance, uphold their responsibilities to stakeholders and ensure that human rights, consumer rights and labor rights are taken into consideration in the conduct of business. Furthermore, they shall arrange for the implementation of auditing, monitoring, evaluation and review systems in order to ensure that the corporate governance policy is fully and sustainably observed by all personnel of GC Group.

Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand Chairman
24 January 2022