Financial Statement
Quarter 2/2024
Quarter 1/2024
Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)
Quarter 2/2024
Quarter 1/2024
KGI Energy Day 2024
Judicial Collective Proceeding of Vencorex France and Vencorex TDI
31st CITIC CLSA Investors' Forum 2024
Opportunity Day Q2/2024
Analyst Meeting Q2/2024
JPM ASEAN Energy Forum 2024
PTT Group Investor Day by InnovestX
2024 Thailand Investment Conference (EN version)
2024 Thailand Investment Conference (TH version)
London non-deal roadshow by UBS
Non-Deal Roadshow by BLS
Opportunity Day Q1/2024
Analyst Meeting Q1/2024
Non-deal roadshow
Thai Refinery Day by MayBank
SET Digital Roadshow - Year End 2023 Performance Review
TISCO Energy Corporate Day 2024
Investor Presentation
JP Morgan Thailand Conference 2024
Judicial Collective Proceeding of Vencorex France and Vencorex TDI
Opportunity Day Q2/2024
Analyst Meeting Q2/2024
Opportunity Day Q1/2024
Analyst Meeting Q1/2024