Safety and Reliability GC has established the Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, Environment, and Business Continuity (QSHEB) Policy and developed safety management infrastructure and guidelines based on the GC Management System (GCMS), Process Safety Management (PSM) and ISO 45001. We have also raised awareness of safety culture to employees, contractors and key suppliers using the B-CAREs concept to upgrade safety operations and achieve our ultimate goal in becoming a Zero Accident Organization. Process Safety Management (PSM) GC has established the Process Safety Management (PSM) Group & Subsidiary Taskforce as a guideline in process safety management for subsidiaries. We have also shared the PSM Good Practice to subsidiaries, enabling them to upgrade their PSM performance through exchange of knowledge, experience and practices in PSM. Furthermore, we have formulated the PSM Long Range Plan in collaboration with DuPont, a recognized global leader in safety, to raise the level of our process safety standard to World Class PSM as well as prevent loss from process safety incidents. In 2021, key PSM projects include Operational Discipline (OD) and PSM Deep Dive Assessment. Personal Safety GC stresses on the safe working behaviour of all operators, including employees and contractors. We have established the Management Safety Leadership Commitment for each level of the management, strengthened safety culture through the B-CAREs Strengthen scheme and encouraged operators’ engagement in safety. The company has formulated the Zero Accident Strategy and implemented the 2021 B-CAREs Safety Culture Program as well as shared knowledge to employees and contractors. This has enabled them to monitor and govern safety in operations in order to strengthen personal safety and reduce workrelated injury which will lead to the “Zero Accident” goal. Human Rights Management along Value Chain GC’s human rights management policy has been conceived in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). It has been applied across the value chain to prevent human rights violation within the Group, relevant businesses (joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions), business partners (suppl iers, cont ractors, customers) and local communities. GC conducts Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) and assesses human rights risks in all activities across the supply chain covering all six aspects of human rights, namely labour rights, community rights, supply chain, safety, environment and consumer rights. According to assessment on impact control and mitigation measures, it indicated that GC has one residual risk at a high level, which is vehicle accident in the operational areas, and six residual risks at a medium level as following details. 1. Turnaround-related issues 2. Wastewater pollution in Maptaphut area 3. Illegal forms of labour from Feedstock and Non-feedstock suppliers 4. Discrimination against suppliers providing products and other services 5. Oil leakage/spill 6. Possibility of customer data leakage Such risks have prompted GC to execute measures and guidelines for effective control and mitigation, requiring strict compliance from departments and relevant parties to ensure that none of our business activities across the supply chain is in violation of human rights. Contribution to Society GC strives to conduct business with responsibility, adhering to the Social Enterprise (SE) principle and optimizing the use of resources according to the Circular Economy (CE) principle. This is carried out in conjunction with generating income for communities and the society, 94 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2021