BUSINESS OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APPENDIX such as Field Risk Assessment, Line Walk (Safety Walk), Understand Risk, and Stop Work Authority. The assessment results were used to establish robust and sustainable safety control measures. Hand Injury Protective Tools Project The safety risk assessment results as well as accident and loss statistics revealed that hand and finger injuries were the most common injuries. To this end, GC started the Hand Injuries Awareness Program in 2017 to raise awareness of such accidents among employees and collaborate with contractors to develop suitable tools to reduce such injuries. In 2021, GC applied the principle of engineering control to develop equipment with greater hand-related injury prevention efficiency, such as wrenches with straps and slugging wrenches with spring-loaded handles, as well as compiled handbooks for workers on working methods and the selection of suitable equipment for each kind of work. In addition, GC included the prevention of hand and finger-related accident as one of the criteria in supplier and contractor assessment and required suppliers and contractors to use risk-reducing equipment approved by the Company in their operations. Driving Safety GC has elevated the driving safety standard for its employees, suppliers, and contractors by initiating the Driving Safety Project to reduce road accidents involving the use of GC’s vehicles. Based on the framework of the BS39001:2012 industrial standards, GC established safety practices and guidelines, which included the following measures and requirements for GC’s drivers: Verification of basic qualifications, such as driver’s licenses, training, and experience Health check-up and readiness assessment Annual training Vehicle safety feature assessment Developing vehicle maintenance requirements Developing emergency procedures and requirements for reporting accidents in an emergency As a result of this project, GC reported a 70% reduction in motor accidents. Beside internal safety programs, GC values the safety of its employees and their families outside the operating areas and has thus begun projects to promote a safety culture outside of work to ensure employee safety both on- and off-site. GC Group SEEK Day 2021 (Safety, Environmental, Energy and Knowledge Management Day) The activity was held to raise safety, occupational health, and environmental awareness under GC’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and B-CAREs. The CEO, the President presented zero total recordable injury rate (TRIR) and zero PSM of the areas which have had no personal accident or process safety incident throughout the year as a good example of operational safety and environmentally friendly practices. The event also featured exhibits from different business units to share knowledge as well as foster pride among employees in GC’s successful safety, occupational health, and environmental performance. 1- 2 SAFETY CULTURE PROMOTION PROGRAM (B-CARES STRENGTHEN) 3 3 COMPONENTS OF PERSONAL OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE (OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE) 1. 2. 3. 173