BUSINESS OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APPENDIX masks at all times while in the meeting venue. No microphone was arranged for the Q&A session. Any attendee who wished to ask a question must proceed to QR Code scanning or write the question down on a piece of paper and passed it to the officer. In addition, it has managed that the AGM took place within mere 2 hours time. GC used barcode scanning in the registration process for conveniency and efficiency. GC also assigned staff to verify shareholders’ documents ahead of time. The said registration began more than two hours before the meeting started. Arranged for the broadcast of the meeting via Web-Live Broadcast on the Company’s website to facilitate those shareholders who could not attend the meeting in person and appointed a proxy to attend the meeting to be able to watch the meeting session and prepare for the circumstance where the meeting room becomes of full capacity. In this case, the shareholders would be able to post questions or query for information through the aforesaid system after which the Company would compile all the questions for response in the meeting room or in the minutes of the meeting. However, shareholders watching the meeting via this system would not be able to vote in the meeting. 2021 AGM was attended by all 15 Directors (14 Directors were present in the meeting hall, while the other Director was residing overseas and at tended the AGM via elect ronic means) . Top management, audi tors, legal advisors, shareholders volunteering to witness the vote counting, and shareholders’ right protecting volunteers from the Thai Investors Association responsible for evaluating the quality of the 2021 AGM were also present. Before the meeting began, shareholders were explicitly informed of the voting and vote-counting procedure for each agenda item. “For,” “against,” or “abstain” voting ballots for each agenda item were provided to shareholders and proxies. At the meeting, the Chairman proceeded with all agenda items in order and afforded all shareholders equal rights to express their opinions. During each agenda item, shareholders or proxies could submit inquiries in advance by scanning the QR code on the question form provided or write down their questions and submit them to the staff to be presented them to the Board of Directors. Sub-committee chairpersons, Chief Executive Officer and President, and any relevant top management were assigned to answer shareholders’ questions. All expressed questions and opinions were fully recorded in the minutes of the AGM. After the Meeting GC disclosed its resolutions of the 2021 AGM through the SET Portal once the meeting was finished. The disclosed resolutions included a complete set of the “for,” “against,” “abstain,” and invalid ballots of each agenda item. The minutes of the AGM were prepared in Thai and English, specifying the names of Directors and Executives attending the meeting, as well as other relevant attendees, key explanations, a list of questions and answers and a summary of opinions expressed. The minutes were submitted to SET and other relevant organizational authorities within 14 days after the meeting. They were also made available on www.pttgcgroup.com for shareholders’ inspection. GC allowed the shareholders to object to the minute of the AGM within 30 days. In this regard, GC was evaluated for the quality of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and was rated “excellent” by receiving 100 point (from 100 point in total) for 10 consecutive years from 2012 to 2021. (3) The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2021 GC held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2021 (EGM 1/2021) at 09.00 a.m. on Monday June 7, 2021 by way of electronic meeting (E-EGM) pursuant to the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meeting B.E. 2563 (2020) and other applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with the suggestion of the SEC to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission. In this connection, the objective of the EGM 2021 was for the shareholders to consider and approve the entering into a transaction for the sale of shares in Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited. GC fully attended to and facilitated the shareholders to exercise their rights to attending the E-EGM, including publishing the meeting invitation and documentation specifying process and method to register for attending the meeting by E-EGM and accepting proxy forms and documentation via the Company’s website and information disclosure system of the SET in order to ensure that all shareholders received details and agendas of the meeting that are accurate and complete and could cast their votes pursuant to the objective of the meeting. EQUITABLE TREATMENT OF SHAREHOLDERS The Board of Directors ensures equitable treatment of all shareholders, whether majority or minority, Thai or foreign. GC’s equitable treatment of shareholders is summarized as follows: 121