GC One Report 2023 [EN]

GC Group’s Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) is responsible for monitoring GC’s sustainable development performance and management to ensure that GC has in place sustainability risk management guidelines that are sufficient and appropriate for both current and future business operations to achieve the goal of net zero carbon emission in the short, medium, and long term by 2050. The Investment Committee (IC) is responsible for overseeing and reviewing investment projects to ensure strategic al ignment as wel l as risk assessment and the establishment of measures to manage projects. PTTGC Group’s Digital & IT Steering Committee (DISC) is responsible for prescribing technology direction, goals, and strategies in alignment with GC Group’s policies, direction, and business strategies. Other key committees and working groups include the GC Operational Excellence Committee, the Safety, Health, and Environment Governance Committee, the Information Safety and Security Committee, and the Water Management Working Group. Risk Management Tools GC has applied a variety of risk management tools to perform risk analysis, assessment, and monitoring, such as risk appetite, risk map, mitigation plan, and key risk indicators (KRI). Moreover, GC has applied the PESTEL Analysis Framework in monitoring the situation and trends of external factors as well as conducted scenario analysis to assess the impact of risks under various potential circumstances and establish response measures. GC also places importance on emerging risks that may affect the business in the short, medium, and long term so as to establish proactive risk management measures. Risk Management Culture GC strives to foster a risk management culture throughout the organization and expand outcomes towards integrated GRC management (Governance, Risk Management & Internal Control, and Compliance) through the following six components: governance, leadership, risk management structure, risk management techniques, and risk management communication and education. To this end, GC has developed a risk management structure that encompasses all levels and includes the monitoring and regular reporting of risk management performance to the management and the Board of Directors. Additionally, the roles and responsibilities and guidelines pertaining to the risk management activities of the Board of Directors, top executives, and employees are clearly determined to ensure suitability. GC also seeks to promote a risk management culture across the organization by organizing activities and projects and by issuing regular communications on risk management, internal control systems, GC Group’s Business Code of Conduct, and culture of good corporate governance through diverse channels, such as the intranet system, newsletters, short videos called "Hook Talk", which executives are required to regularly communicate to employees in internal meetings, and the GRC Day. In 2023, GC held training for employees at all levels to continuously enhance GRC knowledge and foster the culture of GRC through lessons on its online learning platform, or UP Learning Platform. GC also held road shows to promote GRC culture and awareness and organized an Integrated Enterprise Risk Management training program led by experts for relevant personnel to foster risk management knowledge and understanding. 87 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2023