(1) Determination of goals, strategies and corporate cultures Setting goal to lessen the greenhouse gas emission to zero by 2050 in line with global direction and to demonstrate leadership in sustainability within the industry. Considering chance of Energy Transition emergence which could potentially affect GC’s business operation and employ such consideration in formulating corporate strategies. Determine strategies to develop corporate cultures under the theme “Convict ion to Change”, emphasizing on making change by operating under the concept of “Speed with Challenge Status Quo”. (2) Fostering an effective Board of Directors body Improving criteria and procedures for director nomination and appointment to cover the applicable rules, regulation and conditions relating director nomination and appointment and to be in line with the guidelines in the Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook of the Company and conform to the performance of obligations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Improving the performance assessment form for the Board of Directors (as a whole, as individual and peer-assessment) to be in line with the rules and good practices of regulators both in Thailand and overseas and contemporary obligations, roles, duties and responsibility of the Board of Directors of a Company as stipulated in the Company’s Corporate governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook. Improving the performance assessment form for a Sub-committee being the Audit Committee (both as a whole and as individual) to reflect true performance results in order to develop and improve the performance of the Audit Committee’s duties and enhance efficiency. Improving the performance assessment form for the Board of Directors and Sub-committees from using hard-copy documents to online director assessment form to lessen to the use of papers and increase practicality of information keeping and processing. Improving charter of two (2) Sub-committees being (a) the Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee by adjusting the composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee so that it comprises only Independent Directors and (b) the Charter of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee by amending the objectives and scope of duties of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee to cover the supervision over sustainable development work in line with the main target of the Company and adding duty on providing advice relating to receiving ratings for good corporate governance and sustainable development from external organizations and on the Governance, Risk Management and Internal Control and Compliance (GRC) in order to conform to the performance of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee’s duties. Changing the name of a Sub-committee by the resolution of the Meeting of the Board of Director No. 16/2021 on 13 December 2021 approving the change of name of “the Corporate Governance Committee” to “the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee” so that the name of the Sub-committee is in l ine with its scope of responsibilities which have been expanded to cover the supervision over sustainable development work in accordance with the Company’s main objectives. (3) Putting in place/improving policies, manuals and guidelines of the Company Putting in place and promulgating Data Governance Policy as framework for supervising and managing information of the Company to maintain security and quality of the Company’s information. Putting in place and promulgating E-signature Policy as framework for supervising electronic transactions both inside and outside the Company. Improving the Corporate Governance Policy by adding contents relating to corporate resilience to promoting long-term competition capacity. Improving the Human Rights Policy to cover the merger/acquisition of business/business partners and freedom of joint negotiation, adding “Vulnerable Groups” definition to cover immigrants, outsourced labors, indigenous people, local communities, LGBTQ, and placing importance to equitable compensation. Improving the Digital and IT Policy by adding contents relat ing to compl iance wi th laws, regulations, rules and requirements relating to digital, the development and employing to the best interest digital and IT as important tools for business operation, the enhancement of digital capacity of employees and the transparency of business operation within the data governance framework and stakeholder’s information control. Improving the Anti-corruption Policy and guidelines of the Company to be in line with self-assessment form version 4.0 of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC). Improving the Complaint Accepting Policy to cover human rights matters in accordance with the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) Improving contents and guidelines in the Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook to be in line with the strategies and operation of the Company, including closing the 128 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2021