BUSINESS OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APPENDIX AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS 11 Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) GC has been honored on the l ist of Thailand Sustainability Investment for the seventh consecut ive year (2015-2021). This represents GC’s efforts in creating a benefit on both internal and external stakeholders, in the aspect of Environmental, Social and Governance that is in line with the THSI assessment and international standards. Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSi) GC has been recognized as a leading company in the Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSi) with an Ou t s t and i ng sco r e f o r t h r ee consecutive years. This demonstrates GC’s commitment to lower greenhouse gas emissions with an aim to reduce environmental impact. SET Sustainability Awards of Honor GC has received SET Sustainability Award of Honor for four consecutive years. This reflected on the corporate operation that remarkably aligned with sustainable development, as well as comprehensive and t ransparent disclosure on the operation. CSR-DIW Continuous Award GC’s subsidiaries (18 plants) received the CSR-DIW Continuous Award for the 14th consecutive year. Thailand Corporate Excellence GC received a Distinguished award in Innovation Excellence category from the Thailand Management Association (TMA) . This award ref lects GC’s commitment to operating its business w i t h a f ocus on r esea r ch and development, including innovation to push the organization to sustainably grow wi t h en f orcemen t on t he competitive capabilities. The Prime Minister’s Industry Award GC’s subsidiaries received The Prime Minister’s Industry Award fromMinistry of Industry for four awards i.e., Quality Management, Ci rcular Economy, Productivity, and Social Responsibility. This award pushes Thai industries to be performance excellence and being great role model for other corporates. Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Outstanding Ethics Award GC received the Business Ethics for Sustainable Development from Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC). This demonst rates that GC conducts business under the good corporate governance and integrity, fairness for stakeholders, and awareness of resource efficiency. The award truly represents a sustainable achievement for the organization. Sustainability Disclosure Award GC received Sustainability Award from Thaipat Institute that reflects on being a great representative that excellent d i s c l o s u r e o n i n f o rma t i o n o f sustainability. NATIONAL LEVEL NACC Integrity Awards GC was awarded a consolation prize for the 10th NACC Integrity Awards by Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) being recognized for i ts business operat ions wi th transparency, anti-corruption, and corporate social responsibility under good corporate governance principles as well as for its emphasis on human r ights and compl i ance wi th the international ethics standard.